WHO Watch

Outcomes of WHO Watch in May 2015, WHA68 and EB137

The 68th Session of the World Health Assembly met in Geneva from 18 to 26 May 2015. See the Official Page. PHM was at the WHA through its initiative, WHO Watch. To know more about WHO Watch follow the link here.

PHM and MMI encourage the efforts of WHO to challenge the Antimicrobial Resistance Issue

PHM and Medicus Mundi International commends the Global Action Plan (GAP) for highlighting the misuse and overuse of antimicrobial medicines in humans and animals, however, the document is weak in relation to regulation and accountability mechanisms. PHM and MMI urge WHO to support health systems strengthening to ensure appropriate use of anti-microbials and supproting the regulation of the marketing and use of antibiotics. Mandatory provisions will be needed to ensure adequate surveillance of antibiotic use in human and veterinary medicine and livestock production.

WHA: Member states must not accept a fund that relies on voluntary contribution

In a statement made on 22 May, People's Health Movement and Medicus Mundi International urged States member of the World Health Organisation not to agree to the creation of a fund that relies on voluntary contributions; rather than a fund based on mandatory contributions governed by a binding mechanism, as envisaged by the Consultative Expert Working Group (CEWG) on Research and Development.

WHO must leave aside commercial interests and focus on public health

In a statement made on 22 May 2015, People's Health Movement and Medicus Mundi International urge WHO to overcome a terminology battle and really focus and work on the core public health issues, namely access to affordable and safe medicines