Executive Board 131st Session, 28-9 May 2012


EB131 Documents Page.


1. Opening of the session and adoption of the agenda (Documents EB131/1EB131/1 (annotated) and EB131/1 Add.1). 

2. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur 

4. Consideration of the report of the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee
of the Executive Board  

5. Consideration of two aspects of WHO reform
 (evaluation policy and revised terms of reference for the PBAC)
6. Technical and health matters: 
7. Staffing matters 
8. Management and financial matters 
8.1 Membership of the Independent Expert Oversight Advisory Committee 
  • In its decision EB131(4) the Board noted the report on membership of the IEOAC (EB131/6) and appointed Dr Shamshad Akhtar (Pakistan) and Ms Mary Ncube (Zambia) as members of the Committee for a four-year term of office, in accordance with resolution EB125.R1.
8.2 Committees of the Executive Board: filling of vacancies (Documents EB131/7 and EB131/7 Add.1)
  • In its decisions EB131(5)-(9) the Board confirmed membership appointments to the PBAC, the SC on NGOs and a number of other appointments. 
9. Matters for information: report on meetings of expert committees and study groups (Document EB131/8)
10. Future sessions of the Executive Board and the Health Assembly (Document EB131/9)
  • In Decision EB131(10) the Board determined the place, date and duration of the 132nd session of the Executive Board (21-9 Jan, 2103) and Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly (20-28 May, 2013), as well as the next meetings of the PBAC (6-7 Dec, 2012 and 17-18 Jan, 2013).  The Decision also specifies a number of further documents which are requested of the Secretariat
11. Closure of the session